PETS is an intuitive, physical experience-based programming learning kit. Kids can program its movement by inserting tangible command blocks into the top of PETS.

Imagine, a child is learning programming.
The child may be alone, sitting in front of PC, looking into the display, and typing the code using the keyboard and mouse.

PETS doesn’t require any PC or tablet. Kids can touch the command, move the object, and learn the basic of the programming. All you need to program PETS movement is the wooden blocks which fit to the top holes of PETS.

PETS is suitable as the first step in learning to program and developing computational thinking, even before the visual programming.

How to program PETS

Insert the basic blocks into the top holes of PETS, and push the start button!!
PETS moves steadily, and exactly as your command.
A grid on the table is the field of play.
A goal is set and PETS is placed on the start point,
you can avoid the obstacles with precise commands
Kids can search for the right path to the goal.

3.Right Turn
4.Left Turn
5.Function Call


【Appropriate Age】  from 4-5 years old (with parents)


1. Learning the Basics

Students can learn the three basics of Control structures of programming, “Sequence”, “Iteration”, and “Selection”, from their interaction with PETS.

2. Simple, Intuitive Operation

PETS moves exactly as students command using the blocks, thus Students can start learning immediately because of its simplicity. Teachers can minimize their learning overhead.

3. The power of thinking

PETS can give students the chance to FAIL. PETS shows up with the actual movement for the trials by the students. Consequentially small failures can lead to a source of Imagination, Critical Insight, Logical thinking, and Self-motivated action.

4. All-in-one, extremely simple

PETS is operated without any cable, any wireless connection, nor tablet devices. And there is no need for a power outlet because it is fully battery powered.

The first PETS prototype has a big blue plastic button.

This is the second proto with pen-holder attachment.

This is 3rd version!


Ladies, and Gentlemen!!! Please welcome!!This is the latest version and the one kids can enjoy in our workshop!

PETS is developed by TheDesignium Inc. and patented.


With PETS, Kids can steam up their mind and work hard with their hands to overcome various challenges through trial and error.

We, “for Our Kids Inc.” want to introduce PETS
– to kids who love Gaming, craftwork, and programming.
– to parents who believe smart-phone and PC is too complicated and dangerous for your kids.
– to teachers and trainers who want to use PETS in your class.

So please check out our latest PETS workshop near your city on Facebook.

「for Our Kids」facebook

For the workshop report and the achievement record, please visit our homepage.

for Our Kids Inc.

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